
Archive for the ‘Burlesque Bitters’ Category

The Five-Toed Cat 1.5 oz Leblon Cachaça 0.5 oz Brugal Anejo rum 1 oz Spodee Muddle 2 maraschino cherries with 1 tsp sugar and 3 drops burlesque bitters in shaker. Add liquor, shake well and double strain into a coupe. Garnish with a cherry. NOTES: My first thought on drinking this was BOOZY. In terms of flavor […]

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On Wednesday morning we learned that it was officially National Watermelon Day, and we just so happened to have a watermelon in the fridge, so it would have been unpatriotic to NOT make watermelon cocktails. Surprisingly, we tried three, and all three were pretty tasty. The watermelon juice was simple enough: Puree some watermelon in […]

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2 oz Bourbon 0.75 oz Applejack 0.5 oz Cherry Heering 0.25 oz Aperol 3 drops Burlesque Bitters Shake well with ice, pour over a large ice cube. Squeeze some orange oil out of a peel into the finished drink and drop in to garnish. NOTES: Good flavor, but the Bulleit bourbon was a little overpowering. […]

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