For the past 6 months, a few people have been telling me I NEED to try Becherovka. It’s a bitter liqueur from the Czech Republic somewhere between an Amaro and Jagermeister. It’s got a bit of an anise taste to it, but not as strong as Jager, and a lot of cinnamon. As a drink on it’s own, I’m a little torn. The start is delicious and cinnamon-sweet, but it finishes somewhat bitterly, and that’s not really my thing. That initial flavor though, it’s good stuff, and not surprisingly, it works really well in a cocktail.
The Dictator and the Hammock
1.5 oz Becherovka
1 oz Irish whiskey
0.5 oz Simple Syrup
1 dropper-full of Cinnamon Tincture
1 tsp Honey
Muddle a slice of lemon and about 10 mint leaves in a glass with the Cinnamon tincture. Fill glass with crushed ice. Mix other ingredients and shake hard without ice (to mix the honey without it getting hard and refusing to mix). Add ice and shake again, and strain into the glass. Rim glass with the oils from the lemon peel and use to garnish.
NOTES: Not bad at all. A lot of really interesting flavors, and all the lemon and mint really give a nice refreshing edge to this one. I might replace the simple with honey syrup and make the whole thing easier on myself, but otherwise, pretty nicely balanced.
I want to serve 10 person. How do you shortcut your work in preparing one of this deliciously lemon sliced drink?