It’s been a pretty busy couple weeks for us trying to get ready for the Tiki party we’re throwing this weekend, but here’s a couple things that we wanted to pass along:
A Spirited Dinner at Ela
Next week (Tuesday, March 13th) at the recently-awarded Three Bell Ela, Executive Chef/Owner Jason Cichonski will be putting together a five course meal, paired with original cocktails featuring Art in the Age’s ROOT, SNAP and RHUBY. Take a look at the flyer above for more details about the event, but from what we’ve heard of the menu, it sounds great. Jen and I finally got around to checking out Ela this past Friday, and really enjoyed ourselves. Fantastic food, and the cocktails were delicious, too. In my humble opinion, this is definitely something worth checking out. For more info: or
Liquor Cabinet Updates
Not quite as exciting as having an award winning chef build a meal around spirits you love, but we finally got around to adding a few of our new bottles to the Liquor Cabinet. Nothing enormous, but a couple whiskeys and some new rum to warm up for Tiki season.
The PLCB Introduces a New App
Our own PA Liquor Control Board has released an app to help you navigate Pennsylvania’s liquor stores with some pretty neat features. From real-time inventory and store locators, I’m really interested to give this thing a test drive. Read more about it from our friends over at
Hop Sing Laundromat Is Now Serving Drinks…
…in moderation. Owner Lêe has been having tastings to get the word out about his own particular take on cocktails, and he’s doling out the invitations via twitter. Follow him at @HopSingLaundry for updates and a chance to be invited to try it out for yourself. Read about our visit here.
And Of Course…Our Home Bar Starter Kit Giveaway
Enter all week for a chance to win some of our favorite tools for making your own cocktails at home. A whole package of free bar stuff is never a bad thing!