
Archive for the ‘Miscellany’ Category

Hey everyone! Happy holidays! It’s been a hell of a year. Jen and I got married in November, after which we spent 3 weeks drinking our way around New Zealand. As soon as we got back, we celebrated the one-year anniversary of our (if I do say so myself) super fun Whiskey Club with a […]

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We’ve been slacking a bit with the updates (and remembering to photograph practically anything we’ve made in the past 6 months), but we’re making a concerted effort to be less lazy. In that vein, we’ve got a few new things to report on: We’ve posted a whole slew of new bottles to our Liquor Cabinet, and instituted […]

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This past week, we were invited to check out the newest invention of Steven Grasse, the guy that came up with Hendrick’s Gin, Sailor Jerry Rum, Root, Snap and Rhuby. This time around, he’s got a sort of fortified wine called Spodee, made with grape wine, moonshine and spices, and it’s definitely interesting. We hit this one […]

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The folks over at OXO were kind enough to send us a couple digital food scales with pull-out displays so we could try one out and give the other away, so we decided to use it to make some mango liqueur. We may have gotten a little carried away when Whole Foods had a sale […]

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After being introduced to them at Drink in Boston, we’ve come to learn that ice cones are a staple of a lot of tiki drinks – in particular, grogs. Aside from looking the part, ice cones do a great job of keeping your drink nice and cold without the potential of melting quickly like you […]

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According to random.org, at number 45, our winner is Autumn! Congrats Autumn, and we hope you enjoy mixing up some drinks at home! Keep us updated on what you come up with! Thanks to everyone else for entering and thanks for reading!

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Friday Happy Hour

Need Friday plans? Our friends at TuB Gin are hosting a happy hour at Fergie’s Pub from 4:30-6pm and they’ll be mixing up $1 TuB G&Ts. Going along with their music & booze feel, local folk rockers John Train will be playing while you kick back. We’re told you can also stream the show on […]

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A Few Quick Notes

It’s been a pretty busy couple weeks for us trying to get ready for the Tiki party we’re throwing this weekend, but here’s a couple things that we wanted to pass along: A Spirited Dinner at Ela Next week (Tuesday, March 13th) at the recently-awarded Three Bell Ela, Executive Chef/Owner Jason Cichonski will be putting together […]

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As promised, we finally got it together to have a contest to give away a nice home bar starter kit. It’s got everything you need to kickstart some experimenting of your own (except the alcohol, you’re on your own with that one). The kit includes: 1 Oggi 26 oz Marilyn Cocktail Shaker 1 OXO Steel […]

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Last night, we went with friends to check out The Trestle Inn, something we’ve been meaning to do since it re-opened recently. After hearing the magic words “whiskey,” “cocktails” and “cheap,” we had high hopes for the place. Upon arriving, it wasn’t QUITE what I had expected (the early press led me to believe it […]

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